R. Kavita Rao
- Director
- Email: director@nipfp.org.in
- Phone: Phone 26569303, 26963421, Fax: 91-11-26512703, Extn.110
Research areas
Her areas of research interest are:a) Emerging ideas on role of State in Developing ...
(1) Macroeconomics of Public Deficits, Fiscal Monetary Policy Linkages, Financial Inclusion - Microfinance. (2) Effectiveness of Public ...
Sub-national public finance, public financial management, and fiscal decentralization.
Social sector financing, health economics, human development, intergovernmental transfers
Public Finance, Environmental and Resource Economics, Water Resources Management, Development Economics, Statistics and Applied Econometrics ...
Decentralisation, Social Sectors, State Finances and Sustainable Development Goals
Fiscal Federalism, Decentralisation, Energy and Environment Economics and Development Economics
Inflation and monetary policy, international finance, growth, development and Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modelling for ...
Business cycles, capital controls, inflation and monetary policy, financial sector regulation.
Direct and International taxation, Sustainable finance
Pensions, Social Security, Subsidies, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Fiscal Federalism, Tax reforms, Social and Physical Infrastructure
Economics of Health, Political Economy, Development Economics
Public debt, Debt sustainability, Monetary and Fiscal policy interactions
Business cycle synchronization, international trade and trade policies, structural transformation and economic growth, inter-sectoral linkages.
My broad areas of research interest are in public economics, applied macroeconomics, institutional economics, and ...
International economics, macro-finance, development economics and sustainable development.
Macro and Public Finance
Public Policy, Labour Economics, Health Economics, Entrepreneurship
PER Analysis, Energy, Environment, Gender
Game Theory, Voting Theory, Choice Theory, Local Governance
Macroeconomics, DSGE-New Keynesian Economics, Growth Theory, Tax, Off-budget Borrowings, Public Sector Borrowing Requirements, Environment and ...
Uneven Development; Labour and Migration; Political Economy; Applied Econometrics; Public Policy