वित्त मंत्रालय के तहत एक स्वायत्त अनुसंधान संस्थान


Structural reforms needed to fix CAD challenges


India is currently facing challenges in the management of its external account, reflected in worries about rupee depreciation, and concerns about the current account deficit (CAD). 
India’s CAD is structural. Growth is not driven by exports. Domestic growth drivers - investment, and in recent times, consumption - are import intensive ...

WTO is the Phoenix in the New World Order


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(This blog post was originally prepared for the External Services Division of All India Radio, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. Broadcast on August 2, 2018, All Units. http://airworldservice.org/ )
Do the recent retreat of globalization; US President Donald Trump’s protectionist policies, the US-China trade war ...

India Beats France in GDP: What does it mean?


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(This post was originally prepared for External Services Division of All India Radio, broadcast on July 14, 2018.)
As per the World Bank figures for 2017, India has become the world’s sixth-biggest economy, after US, China, Japan, Germany and UK. India has pushed France to the seventh place. India’s ...


The US–China Trade War Conundrum


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(This was originally prepared for External Services Division of All India Radio, broadcast on June 25th 2018.)
The adverse trade relations between US and China are increasingly becoming a global irritant, especially when security and trade issues are hard to disentangle in the contemporary global scenario. The trade ...

Sectoral Spending Effectiveness of Gender Budgeting on Gender Equality and Fiscal Space


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Gender budgeting is the process of applying a gender lens to public financial management, to analyse the gender components in public spending across all sectors - not only social sector budgets - and evaluate their outcomes. Gender neutral fiscal policy can turn gender-blind if there are no systemic corrections. 
While ...