वित्त मंत्रालय के तहत एक स्वायत्त अनुसंधान संस्थान


RBI’s monetary policy prioritises global economic headwinds


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MPC has given relative significance to global headwinds and uncertainties. Therefore, a sudden reduction in rates is not feasible when inflation expectations are elevated. The catch, however, is high rates complicate public debt management. 


Against the backdrop of geopolitical uncertainties and poly-crisis, the 51st RBI Monetary Policy Committee ...

The Imminent Transition towards Competitive Federalism


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Against the backdrop of recent Union Budget 2024, there is a transition in the framework of intergovernmental fiscal relations from Cooperative federalism to competitive federalism . Quite contrary to the expectations that 16th Finance Commission will look into these Centre-State financial relations, in the recent Union Budget, the Finance Minister has ...

The Maze Matrix for Labour in India


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(Co-authored with Pulkit Kumar Sharma and R. Kavita Rao)
In the last few years the functioning of the economy in the physical space is increasingly being supplemented and complemented by a rising number of interactions facilitated in the virtual space through what could be conceived as exchanges (or platforms ...

Increase tax devolution to 50 percent over states' special status demand: Economist


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Budget 2024: As Modi 3.0 gears up for presenting budget 2024, expectations are rife that the budget will be much more than fiscal numbers. In an exclusive conversation with Republic Business, Lekha S Chakraborty, professor of NIPFP and Visiting Scholar at Cambridge University, shares her expert insights on the ...

Explainer: Shifting the focus to Public Debt-GDP ratio


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A fiscal rule is a constraint on fiscal policy through numerical limits on deficits. Indian fiscal rules as per FRBM envisions fiscal deficit to GDP at 3 per cent. However in the post pandemic fiscal strategy, the fiscal glide path is envisioned at 4.5 percent by 2025-26. 