Past projects
Inter-State and Intra-State Variations in Economic Development and Standard of Living
- Completion date Jan., 1993
- Sponsor SFU
- Project leader Uma Datta Roy Choudhury
In the first part of this study, an attempt has been made to analyze the trends in regional disparities through the use of both per capita State income and per capita household consumer expenditure. The study covers a period of two decades from 1966-67 to 1986-87. At the next stage of the study, trends in several socio-economic indicators will be studied to identify the possible factors leading to differential growth and development between States.
Management of Public Fianances in Punjab
- Completion date Jan., 1993
- Sponsor Government of Punjab
- Project leader R.J. Chelliah
- Other faculty M.G. Rao, Tapas K.sen
This study was taken up at the request of the Government of Punjab. After making an overview of the State finances in Punjab, its critical areas are identified to improve the fiscal performance of the State. An attempt is made to identify items of unproductive Government expenditures. Recommendations are made to compress unproductive expenditures. The study also analyses in detail the working of public enterprises in the State and suggests appropriate measures to phase out the losses of these undertakings and improve the buoyancy of non-tax revenues in order to restore fiscal balance in the State.
Study of India’s Tariff Structure: Effect of Tariff Protection on Domestic Industries
- Completion date Jan., 1993
- Sponsor IPRP
- Project leader Hasheem N. Saleem
State Finances in Kerala: Selected Issues
- Completion date Jan., 1993
- Sponsor Resource Commission – Government of Kerala
- Project leader M.G. Rao
- Other faculty Tapas K Sen
The study analyses the deteriorating financial situation in the State in detail to identify the problem areas. It makes several recommendations to improve revenue productivity of the tax system by rationalizing the structure and operation of sales and excise taxes in the State. The analysis of non-tax revenues and subsidies (defined as unrecovered cost of social and economic services) highlights the need for rationalization of user charges and revamping of public enterprises. The study makes recommendations to improve the working of public enterprises, particularly the State Electricity Board and the State Road Transport Corporation. .
Structure and Enforcement of Sales Tax in Uttar Pradesh
- Completion date Jan., 1993
- Sponsor Government of Uttar Pradesh
- Project leader Mahesh C. Purohit
- Consultants/Other authors Gautam Naresh, O.P. Bohra
Municipal Property Tax Reform in West Bengal
- Completion date Jan., 1993
- Sponsor Second MFC West Bengal
- Project leader O.P. Bohra
The study updated the information gathered by the First Municipal Finance Commission and analyzed the changes that had taken place in the revenue structure of property tax during the post 1980 period.
Maternal Education Female Labour Force participation and Child Mortality: Evidence from Indian Census
- Completion date Jan., 1993
- Sponsor HEC
- Project leader V.B. Tulasidhar
In this study an attempt has been made to examine how child mortality risk changes with different stages of maternal education and quantify the impact of maternal education and female labour force participation rate (FLPR) on child mortality. The study is based on the 1981 census data.
Non Tax Revenue Options in West Bengal
- Completion date Jan., 1993
- Sponsor Second MFC West Bengal
- Project leader Rita Pandey
This study analyses the trends in non-tax revenue of local bodies and examine5 the scope for further improvement in non-tax revenue of local bodies in West Bengal. User charges, rents and fee are identified as underused potential revenue sources. The study suggests ways and means of augmenting non-tax revenue in West Bengal.
Deficit Financing Indirect Taxation and Exchange Rate Adjustment: A preliminary Exercise
- Completion date Jan., 1993
- Sponsor RBIC
- Project leader H.Mukhopadhyay
This study attempts to analyze the effect of two important policy instruments which are used extensively for achieving government expenditure targets, namely, indirect taxation and deficit financing on aggregate output, domestic absorption, exchange rate and exports. The analysis is based on an aggregative open general equilibrium model in which the exchange rate is market determined.
Fiscal options for stabilisation
- Completion date Jan., 1993
- Sponsor RBIC
- Project leader Sudipto Mundle
- Other faculty H. Mukhopadhyay
This study has analyzed the impact of different fiscal policy instruments on inflation, growth, investment, money supply, Central government expenditure and the trade deficit during 1992 to 1994 under alternative scenarios. The macro econometric model developed for this purpose incorporates several novel features in order to capture certain structural specificities of India's highly regulated economy. The fiscal instruments analyzed include tax policy, administered price policy, fiscal deficit and revenue expenditure control. Other policies such as variation in term lending by financial institutions have also been analyzed.
Health care financing by Government 1974-75 to 1990-91
- Completion date Jan., 1993
- Sponsor HEC
- Project leader K.N. Reddy
This study analyses the size, and structure of resource flows into the health care sector. It estimates the health care expenditures of the Central and State Governments and Union Territories from 1974-75 to 1990-91, analyses the inter-State variations, and recommends reprioritization of health care expenditures.
Protection, Growth and Competitiveness in the Indian Capital Goods Industry
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor RBIC
- Project leader Sudipto Mundle
- Other faculty H. Mukhopadhyay
This paper first measures the dynamic benefits of protection in the form of extra growth due to import substitution and then demonstrates that, despite the higher scale of production achieved on account of extra growth, the capital goods industry has failed to become internationally competitive. The paper also argues that conventional efficiency measures, like the domestic resource cost are inappropriate for analysing competitiveness and in the process, suggests an alternative measure.
Employment effect of stabilisation
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor RBIC
- Project leader Sudipto Mundle
Diversion of Hank Yarn from Handloom to Powerloom Sector and Analysis of Yarn Price Fluctuations
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor Ministry of Textiles
- Project leader A.V.L. Narayana
Incentives for Exports in India: An Evaluation
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor Ministry of Finance
- Project leader Gopinath Pradhan
The study examines the major export incentives in India and their cost to the public exchequer. By analyzing the possibilities of rationalization in the context of the rapidly changing exchange rate, it offers two suggestions for reducing the burden on the exchequer arising through export promotion schemes. First, at the prevailing exchange rate, incentives of the export sector could be limited to about 30 per cent of the export earnings. Second, the existing incentive rates could be made more uniform by scaling down the significant differences found in the present rates, among various commodity groups.
Preliminary Report on States Financing of Health Care in India
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor World Bank
- Project leader V.B. Tulasidhar
Proposal for State Level Budgetary Reform
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor State Finance Unit
- Project leader M. Govinda Rao
This study deals with the generic problems relating to State government finances and the immediate steps required to reform them.
Trade and Exchange Rate Policy with a binding Foreign Exchange Constraint
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor SBI
- Project leader Mihir Rakshit
The Intertemporal and Intersource Horizontal Equity of Indian Income Tax: A Comparison of Tax Treatment in selected assessment years
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor TRC
- Project leader Arindam Das-Gupta
- Other faculty Pawan K. Agarwal, M.S. Prasad
This exercise examines how effective tax rates have varied across individuals over time, across sources of income and across savers and non-savers. The study documents the pervasive violation of horizontal equity in the treatment of individuals that has characterized in the Indian income tax during the past 20 years.
Income Tax Enforcement in India: A preliminary Analysis
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor TRC
- Project leader Arindam Das-Gupta
- Consultants/Other authors Dilip Mukherjee, D.P. Patna
An analysis of enforcement practices in India considering the information system on potential assesses, assessment procedures and follow-up in terms of appeals, penalties and prosecution are studied in this report on the basis of a field survey of five income tax ranges as well as secondary data sources. Suggestions are made on all these aspects for the improvement of enforcement.
Volume and Composition of Government Subsidies (Phase II)
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor Planning Commission
- Project leader Sudipto Mundle, M. Govinda Rao
Housing the Urban poor: Some Issues
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor National Housing Bank
- Project leader D.B. Gupta
- Other faculty Rita Pandey
- Consultants/Other authors Sanat Kaul
This study attempts to assess the affordability, preferences, and perceptions of households in regard to home ownership. It highlights the general preference of the urban poor for home ownership and speaks of their tremendous capacity to generate savings, if there is an opportunity to own a house. The study suggests the need for designing appropriate saving schemes to match their generally small and irregular contributions.
An overview of Tax Systems of States
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor SFU
- Project leader Tapas Sen
Foreign Collaborations, Foreign Direct Investment and Taxation of Foreign Companies in India: Some Policy Issues
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor DTC
- Project leader Manoj Pant
- Consultants/Other authors Mamta Shankar
This report was based on an extensive examination of international data pertaining to China, Malaysia, Thailand and Brazil among others. The report highlighted differences in the approach in India and in the countries mentioned in linking concessions to foreign investments with various social objectives. The report suggests directions for re-orienting concessions for foreign investment.
Corporate Tax Reforms – The issue of Integration
- Completion date Jan., 1992
- Sponsor TRC
- Project leader J.V.M. Sharma
This paper examines the question of integrating income tax levies at the company and shareholders levels and argues in favor of alleviating double taxation by means of tax credits at the company level.
Study of Export Incentives in India
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor NIPFP
- Project leader Gopinath Pradhan
Gujarat Taxes: Report on Electricity duty
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor Government of Gujarat
- Project leader K.N. Balasubramanian
Structure of Tariff Rates in India: Effective Rates of Protection
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor Ministry of Industry
- Project leader B.N. Goldar
- Consultants/Other authors Hasheem N. Saleem
This study estimates effective rates of protection (ERPs) for the manufacturing sector in India for the year 1980-81, 1983-84 and 1989-90 using an input-output framework. Reasons for variation of ERPs across sectors of the economy have been analyzed using sector specific variables. A comparison of ERPs in India with those in other developing countries has also been made.
Structure of Tariff Rates in India: Nominal Tariff Rates
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor Ministry of Industry
- Project leader B.N. Goldar
- Other faculty A.V.L. Narayana
- Consultants/Other authors Hasheem N. Saleem
Nominal rates of protection for the manufacturing sector in India have been estimated taking into account various customs duty concessions. The structure of protection is also compared to those prevailing in selected other developing countries. The study covers the 1980's.
Information System for Selected State Taxes in Gujarat: Report on Electricity duty
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor Government of Gujarat
- Project leader K.N. Balasubramanian
Information System for Selected State Taxes in Gujarat: Report on Entertainment Tax
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor Government of Gujarat
- Project leader K.N. Balasubramanian
- Consultants/Other authors Pallab Sarkar
Effective Incentives for the Indian Aluminium Industry
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor NIPFP (MIPU)
- Project leader B.N. Goldar
These study estimates and analyses effective incentives to production in the Indian aluminium industry. The estimates of effective rates of protection for 1980, 1983 and 1986-1988, show that while the production of alumina from bauxite is protected. The production of aluminium from alumina has a negative rate of effective protection. An analysis of the investment behavior of aluminium companies shows that investment was more responsive to changes in demand than to the financial environment.
Exemptions under Additional Excise Duty in lieu of Sales Tax: An Empirical Analysis of Loss of Revenue to the States
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor Ministry of Finance, Government of India
- Project leader M.C. Purohit
Additional excise duty in lieu of sales tax (AEDILST) has been a bone of contention between the Centre and the States. This study (i) assesses revenue loss to the States through exemptions under AEDILST; (ii) examines the rationale for these exemptions; and (iii) makes recommendations for policy on these items particularly with regard to the tax treatment of tobacco, khandsari and textiles.
Taxes on the Entry of Goods into a Local Area: An Assessment
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor Ministry of Finance, Government of India
- Project leader Shyam Nath, A. Bagchi
- Consultants/Other authors Shekhar Mehta
This study was undertaken to examine the practices in the States levying entry tax - that is whether they confirm to sound principles of taxation - to evolve principles for reforming the entry tax structure and also to suggest norms for utilization of tax proceeds.
Budgeting Trends and Plan financing at the States during the Sixth and Seventh Plans: An Overview
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor World Bank
- Project leader A. Bagchi
- Other faculty Tapas Sen
Water Consrvation and Pollution Abatement in Indian Industry: A Study of Water Tariff
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor Ganga Project Directorate
- Project leader D.B. Murthy
- Other faculty M.N. Murthy, Rita Pandey
Public Expenditure in India: Emerging Trends
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor NIPFP (SFU)
- Project leader M. Govinda Rao
- Other faculty V.B. Tulasidhar
Emerging trends in public expenditure classified according to economic and functional categories are studied. The analysis highlights the spectacular growth, particularly during the 1980's, of real government expenditure. Current expenditure grew faster than capital expenditure. Furthermore, growth of capital expenditure on economic services - particularly at the State level decelerated in the 1980s as compared to the 1970s.
Survey of Research on Fiscal Federalism in India
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor ICSSR
- Project leader M. Govinda Rao, Raja J. Chelliah
The survey summarizes important contributions on the theory of multi-level finance and critically analyses the academic and official literature on fiscal federalism in India. Intergovernmental transfers made by the Finance Commission, the Planning Commission and various Central ministries through central sector and centrally sponsored schemes are evaluated in terms of their efficiency and equity implications. The survey also draws attention to important topics for future research in this area.
Volume and Composition of Budget Subsidies (Part 1)
- Completion date Jan., 1991
- Sponsor Planning Commission
- Project leader Sudipto Mundle, M. Govinda Rao
Subsidies given by the Central Government and the fourteen major States in 1987-88 are quantified in this pioneering study. The volume of subsidies in the year was estimated at Rs 42324 crore which found about 14 per cent of GDP. The other important finding is that cost recovery in economic services is about 30 to 40 per cent while that in social services is under 4 per cent. The share of the rural sector in total subsidies is conservatively estimated to lie between a third and a half of total subsidies. .
Liberalisation of Capital Goods Imports in India
- Completion date Jan., 1990
- Sponsor NIPFP (FFG Unit)
- Project leader B.N. Goldar
- Other faculty H. Mukhopadhyay
Not available
Sales Tax System in Andhra Pradesh
- Completion date Jan., 1990
- Sponsor Government of Andhra Pradesh
- Project leader J.V.M. Sharma
- Other faculty Amaresh Bagchi
- Consultants/Other authors Shekhar Mehta
Not available
Gujarat Taxes: Report on Stamp Duties and Registration Fees
- Completion date Jan., 1990
- Sponsor Government of Gujarat
- Project leader K.N. Balasubramanian
- Consultants/Other authors S. Gopalakrishnan
Not available
Growth Study of Central Excise and Sales Tax Revenues
- Completion date Jan., 1990
- Sponsor CBEC
- Project leader A.V.L. Narayana
- Consultants/Other authors R.C. Gupta
Not available
Fiscal Policy and Growth of Firms
- Completion date Jan., 1990
- Sponsor NIPFP (FFG Unit)
- Project leader B.N. Goldar
This study enquires into the effect of fiscal policies on the growth of firms using the Marris model. Econometric analysis is carried out using data for engineering firms.
The System of National Accounts for Developing Countries
- Completion date Jan., 1990
- Project leader Uma Datta Roy Choudhury
Not available
Taxable Capacity of Kerala
- Completion date Jan., 1990
- Sponsor NIPFP
- Project leader Amaresh Bagchi
- Other faculty Tapas sen
At the instance of the State Planning Board, Kerala, the Institute carried out a study on Tax Potential of Kerala for the Eighth Plan period. This study, instead of applying the representative tax system approach usually employed for such exercises, used the performance of Kerala itself in the recent past to derive norms for what the State can achieve in revenue raising in the next five years.
Direct Taxes in Selected Countries: A Profile
- Completion date Jan., 1990
- Sponsor NIPFP (DTC)
- Project leader K. Kannan
Direct Taxes in Selected Countries
- Completion date Jan., 1990
- Sponsor Direct Taxes Cell (CBDT)
- Project leader K. Kannan
Not available