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The combined fiscal-monetary risks and climate change related risks can trigger an irreversible threat to the global economy. Against this backdrop, the RBI Governor has judiciously conducted his policy rate manoeuvring, with majority votes for the decision of status quo in policy rates. This RBI decision is welcome, despite all ...

The analytical framework of the 16th Finance Commission will be 'beyond GDP', by integrating human development variables. Will it also apply a 'gender lens' in the inter-governmental fiscal transfer framework within the terms of reference?
The 16th Finance Commission is expected to be constituted this month, and its terms ...

The 2023 Nobel economics laureate has shown that the bulk of this earnings difference is now between men and women in the same occupation and that it largely arises with the birth of the first child.
The 2023 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel ...

High interest rate affects public debt management when debt servicing becomes costlier. The pragmatic baseline for the G20 fiscal sustainability is to have a check on the cost of borrowing and rate of economic growth, opt for debt restructuring and go soft on numerical thresholds.
In a low-interest rate ...
Why celebrate a disappearing deficit?

Single-minded pursuit of zero revenue deficit can hurt the poor in particular.
In the post pandemic fiscal strategy, the "golden rule" of targeting zero revenue deficit is gaining attention as a powerful mantra of fiscal discipline. The 'golden rule' translates that the revenue receipts should be the basis ...