वित्त मंत्रालय के तहत एक स्वायत्त अनुसंधान संस्थान


Adequate Budgets for Children is key to sustainable development


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Adequate Budgets for Children is key to sustainable development 
Modi 2.0 Budget: Good initiatives; More needed for Every last Child
Amarnath Habbar Kalle, NIPFP, Alka Singh, Save the Children
With Inputs from Rohit Dutta,  NIPFP and Shivani Bhaskar, Save the Children
2019 marks completion of 30 years ...

The Economics of Government: Key Issues that Budget 2019 must tackle


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The prime focus of Union budget 2019 would be the need to strengthen economic growth. A deviation from the path of fiscal consolidation may be essential to spur growth. A strict adherence of threshold fiscal deficit ratio of the GDP may not be feasible at this point as more public ...