An autonomous research institute under the Ministry of Finance


Policy briefs

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Impact of FFC recommendations on Central transfers and social sector expenditures

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Reviving Private Investment in India: Determinants and Policy Levers

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Legislative strategy for setting up an independent debt management agency

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GST in India: Chasing A Mirage or Reality?

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Human Development in Madhya Pradesh: the role of fiscal policy and governance

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Designing Policies in the Presence of Hawala Markets

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Targeting Debt and Deficits in India

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Inflation & RBI’s new monetary framework

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Clean-energy technology innovation: a new focus

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How to bring unincorporated enterprises under VAT net?

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Unaccounted Income of India: A methodological development

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Three Decades of India’s Development

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Food Inflation in India: Causes and Consequences

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Minimising Selection Failure and Measuring Tax Gap

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Direct Taxes Code (DTC)

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Integrating Time Use in Public Policy

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Universal Health Coverage in India: Policy Priorities for the Central Government

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Developmental Disability Index for Hill States in India

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Reforming Fossil Fuel Prices in India: Dilemma of a Developing Economy

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Public Policy on Non-Tax Revenue: Analysing the Impact of Mining Royalty on Competitiveness