
COVID-19 and Economic Stimulus Packages: Evidence from the Asia-Pacific Region
- 2021
- Authors Lekha Chakraborty, Amandeep Kaur, Divy Rangan, Jannet Farida Jacob
- Details NIPFP
Extraordinary times require extraordinary macro policy responses. Globally, the second wave of the covid pandemic has put significant emphasis on fiscal and monetary policies to step up the stimulus measures for a sustained economic recovery and also to mitigate mounting humanitarian crisis. Against this backdrop, we analyse the economic stimulus measures announced to tackle covid-19 pandemic for the selected countries in the Asia Pacific region. The economic stimulus effectiveness largely dependupon the size and structure of the economy and the existing social protection systems. The analysis of various components of stimulus package including food security, social infrastructure and social protectionmeasures showed that there are cross country variations in the emergency pandemic programmes in incorporating these components and fiscal marksmanship is crucial in translating these fiscal commitments into actual spending .
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Analysis of State Budgets 2018-19: Key Issues and Challenges
- 2020
- Authors Lekha Chakraborty, Manish Gupta, and Amandeep Kaur
- Details Supported by a grant from the Gates Foundation.
This study is an outcome of the research project, “Innovations in Public Finance", supported by a grant from the Gates Foundation.The central theme of this report is the “Budget Credibility and Fiscal Forecasting Errors of 28 States in India” led by Prof. Pinaki Chakraborty. The findings of this study was presented by Prof. Pinaki Chakraborty in the NIPFP Annual State Finances meetings in India International Centre, August 10th 2018. The other members of the team are Prof. Lekha Chakraborty, Dr. Manish Gupta and Ms Amandeep Kaur. The theme paper was presented in the 75th Meetings of International Institute of Public Finance in Glasgow, Scotland, August 21-23, 2019.
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RTE and the Resource Requirements: The Way Forward
- 2020
- Authors Sukanya Bose, Priyanta Ghosh and Arvind Sardana
- Details NIPFP and Eklavya collaborative study sponsored by Azim Premji University, Bangalore.
- Price for printed copy Rs. 200.00
The Right to Education is a hard-fought right that guarantees every child in the age group 6-14 years, the right to education of a decent quality. A clear estimation of resource requirement and a financial roadmap based on the normative is a necessary first step to ensure that the governments commit the required resources.Carefully working its way through conceptual frameworks and empirical data, this study tries to put across estimates of normative resource requirements for every Indian state. The enquiry leads to exploration of different dimensions of the issue.• Why has resource requirement estimation and resource planning been neglected?• Is it true that the "inputs" for RTE have all been met as often claimed?• What kind of resource gaps exist and how are these distributed?• There are strong voices advocating market-based alternatives as the only way ahead. Is public expenditure necessary to fill the resource gaps really infeasible?Our estimates show that it is feasible to provide universal quality education using public school system. At present, there are large gaps between what is required as per law and what is being supplied by the public system. For 16 states with low resource base, special assistance is necessary for adequate levels of spending on elementary education.Adequate finances, though an essential condition for reform of the government school system, will not be enough by itself. Within a finance-enabled system, there are other steps necessary to restore school functionality and bring back trust in the system. What is necessary is a social policy perspective within which finance needs to be embedded.The study would be of relevance for all individuals interested in education and public policy. It is particularly recommended for policy makers, think tanks, civil society organisations, researchers and teachers in the field of education.
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Nutrition Public Expenditure Review: Evidence from Gujarat
- 2020
- Authors Amandeep Kaur, Lekha Chakraborty, Ruzel Shrestha, Komal Jain, Janet Farida Jacob, Anindita Ghosh
- Details This report is an outcome of the research project “Nutrition-PER” in Gujarat initiated by the Department of Finance, Government of Gujarat and UNICEF Gujarat Download options