An autonomous research institute under the Ministry of Finance


NIPFP Internal Complaints Committee on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplaces

The objective of this policy is to create a healthy working environment for both the genders by establishing guidelines to deter any Sexual Harassment, define the mechanism for raising awareness at workplace, and setting a process of accepting grievances on sexual harassment, their investigation and appropriate action on the findings of the enquiries.
This policy is applicable to all employees and associates of NIPFP.
Any individual who feels subjected to harassment by an employee or associate can report the incident to Complaints Committee or Secretary or Director.
In case the complainant seeks an informal redressal, the individual shall orally report the same to the committee and the Chair/Convenor can suggest appropriate action to be taken.
For complaints of serious nature the complaints shall be in writing to ensure consistency and accuracy. The committee shall respond in three working days of its receipt.
The committee shall arrange a meeting between the complainant and alleged harasser within 5 working days of receipt of the complaint.
A copy of the statement of the complainant shall be given to the alleged harasser in advance to enable the alleged harasser to seek advice before the meeting.
The committee shall nominate two persons from the committee, to carry out investigations, within one week, under strict confidentiality, so that at all times the dignity of the concerned individuals is respected.
The report of investigation shall be submitted to the Secretary / Director one working day before the committee convenes for hearing. The alleged harasser and the complainant shall also receive one copy of the report. 
During the hearing, the complainant and the alleged harasser both can bring one colleague for support who shall not participate in the proceedings except advising the concerned party privately.
Minutes of the meeting shall be recorded.
The conclusions of the committee decisions shall be informed in writing to the concerned parties, within one working day following the hearing with recommendation actions to be implemented by the Senior Administrative Officer.
If the conclusions of the redressal committee are unsatisfactory to any individual, an appeal in writing can be made to the Secretary/Director.
Possible Actions: The actions taken may range from warning to termination, depending on the intensity of the violation of conduct.
False complaint: If the investigations unambiguously reveal with strong supporting evidences that the complainant had raised false complaints with ulterior/mala fide motives, the Senior Admin Officer/Secretary may initiate appropriate disciplinary action against the complainant while ensuring that others are not deterred from raising concerns in the future. However, generally following universal norms the official attitude would remain sympathetic towards the complainant.
Third Party Harassment: Where sexual harassment occurs as a result of an act or omission by any third party or outsider, NIPFP shall take all steps necessary and reasonable to assist the affected person in terms of support and preventive action.
NIPFP shall prevent retaliation, victimization, additional harassment and/or humiliation of the complainant and also to alleged harasser or of any witnesses.


It is expected that every employee will uphold the dignity of co-workers, business partners, vendors, candidates etc. and not indulge in any act that can be construed as an act of sexual harassment. 
Every employee is expected to report within a period of two days any sexual harassment that he/she is aware of irrespective of the level of the employee involved.
Complainant is expected to make a complaint in reasonable time without a wide lapse from the date of occurrence of the incident/s for facilitating quick action and for assisting better enquiry.
All available material and relevant details concerning the incident(s) should accompany the complaint.
If the complainant feels that he/she cannot disclose his/her identity for any particular reason, the complainant can inform any of the members of the Committee/Secretary. In such cases the concerned staff shall ensure that the identity of the complainant is kept confidential. 
Any exceptions to this policy will require the approval of the Director.