वित्त मंत्रालय के तहत एक स्वायत्त अनुसंधान संस्थान


Incentives and Regulations for Pollution abatement

Incentives and Regulations for Pollution abatement

  • Completion date जनवरी., 1994
  • Sponsor Ministry of Environment and Forest
  • Project leader Sudipto Mundle
  • Consultants/Other authors Shekhar Mehta, U. Shakar
  • Focus

    This study is divided into three parts. The first part reviews the existing pollution control regime in India. A quantitative assessment of the impact of the regime on air quality and water quality including an assessment of the Ganga Action Programme is made in this part of the study. In the second part four different control regimes through market based instruments are recommended for experimentation. In order to illustrate how the schemes can be operationalized, abatement cost functions are estimated for the pulp and paper industry. This forms the third part of the study. Finally, the study shows how the "producers' surplus" from abatement exceeds the annualized capital cost of setting up effluent treatment plants, thus making pollution abatement a profitable venture under the proposed market-based control regimes.