वित्त मंत्रालय के तहत एक स्वायत्त अनुसंधान संस्थान


Estimation of Corporate Tax from the Manufacturing Sector of the Indian Economy

Estimation of Corporate Tax from the Manufacturing Sector of the Indian Economy

  • Completion date जनवरी., 2004
  • Sponsor Ministry of Finance
  • Project leader A. L. Nagar
  • Consultants/Other authors Sanjay Kumar and Rajorshi Sen Gupta
  • Focus

    Disaggregation of corporate tax (CT) according to the source of accrual may be useful in improving the precision of forecasts. In this paper, CT from the manufacturing sector in terms of level of profits (actual/estimated), contribution of the manufacturing sector to GDP and the upper bracket statutory corporate tax rate are estimated. The study shows that a 1 % increase in profits would lead to 0.34% increase in CT, a 1% increase in the contribution of manufacturing to GDP would result in 0.58% increase in CT and a 1% decrease in statutory tax rate has a positive effect on CT of the order of 0.44%.