वित्त मंत्रालय के तहत एक स्वायत्त अनुसंधान संस्थान


Issues Before the Eleventh Finance Commission

Issues Before the Eleventh Finance Commission

  • Completion date जनवरी., 1998
  • Sponsor Eleventh Finance Commission
  • Project leader D.K. Srivastava
  • Other faculty Tapas Sen
  • Focus

    This was the theme paper presented at the seminar on Issues Before the Eleventh Finance Commission. The paper covers major issues of fiscal federalism in India at the present juncture, keeping in' view the terms of reference of the Eleventh Finance Commission. After covering the essential features of the macroeconomic imperatives before the governments at the central and the state level, it critically reviews the revenue sharing and grants system currently prevailing, and makes suggestions for changing them. It reviews the thorny problem of indebtedness of the states, and examines ways in which the Finance Commission can tackle the issue.