वित्त मंत्रालय के तहत एक स्वायत्त अनुसंधान संस्थान


Some areas of concern about Indian Manufacturing Sector GDP estimation

Publication date

अग, 2016


NIPFP Working paper No. 172


Amey Sapre and Pramod Sinha


In this paper, we discuss some of the methodological issues involved in the computation of value addition in the manufacturing sector. We deal with (i) problems of blow-up of estimates (ii) choice of indicators in measuring output, and (iii) a possible misclassification of companies in the MCA21 database that can distort the GVA estimates. A sample based blow-up exercise shows that Paid-Up Capital and GVA contribution of firms have no one-to-one correspondence and the method can lead to overestimation of value addition. We construct an alternate method of blow-up by using representative industry GVA growth rates to scale up previous GVA estimates to account for data of unavailable companies. We show that a potential misclassification of companies in the MCA21 can also lead to significant distortion in GVA estimates.

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